Veja Mate completes construction
With the installation of the last of its 67 Siemens SWT-6.0-154 turbines last Thursday, Veja Mate completed construction in less than 14 months and just 23 months after Financial Close (FC). Commissioning activities of the last turbine was finalized today.
Henrik Scheinemann, CEO is most pleased to announce the achievement of this final EPCI milestone. He states, “Since taking over management of Veja Mate after a successful FC, our goal was to bring it to fruition as quickly as possible. All 67 turbines are now feeding green, renewable electricity into the German grid, almost 4 months ahead of schedule agreed at FC.”
Torben Vinther, CFO credits Mr. Scheinemann’s approach to project success - “Put to work a lean, well-organized, world-class team of international wind professionals. Accelerate the project where possible anticipating risks and problems while having plans and solutions ready to implement.”
Knud J. Andersen, COO adds “We are very satisfied with Veja Mate’s accomplishments and are grateful to everyone for their dedication and hard work during construction.” He acknowledges that Veja Mate’s success would not have been possible without the outstanding collaboration of its many contractors, TenneT TSO, the German BSH and not least its lenders and shareholders.
About Veja Mate Offshore Project GmbH:
Veja Mate is a 402 MW, 1,9 bn EUR offshore wind project owned by the VM Offshore Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. The wind farm is located about 95 km NW from Borkum Island and is producing over 1,6 TWh of green, renewable electricity annually.
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